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Banques centrales mondiales

Rechercher une Banque Centrale

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Banque centrale de Malte

The Central Bank of Malta was established by the Central Bank of Malta Act on 17 April 1968. On 1 May 2004 the Bank joined the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and...

0,0%  Malte
Bank Al-Maghrib (BKAM)

The Bank Al-Maghrib is the central bank of the Kingdom of Morocco. It was founded in 1959, and is based in Rabat. It holds reserves of foreign currency with an estimated...

2,25%  Maroc
Banque centrale de Mauritanie (BCM)

The Central Bank of Mauritania is the central bank of Mauritania, in northwest Africa. The bank is located in Nouakchott. The bank was created by acts of the legislature...

0%  Mauritania
Banque du Mexique (BdeM)

La Banque du Mexique (Banco de Mexico) est la banque centrale du Mexique. Elle est autonome dans son fonctionnement et dans sa gestion, comme établi par la Constitution....

10,00%  Mexique
Banque nationale de Moldavie (NBM)

The National Bank of Moldova is the central bank of the Republic of Moldova and exercises its attributions as a legal, public, autonomous person responsible to the...

2,65%  Moldova
Banque de Mongolie

The Bank of Mongolia is the central bank of Mongolia. The legal grounds of the central bank’s powers, its management, organization, activities and the relations...

6%  Mongolie
Banque centrale du Mozambique

The Bank of Mozambique is the central bank of Mozambique. The bank does not function as a commercial bank, and has the responsibility of governing the monetary policies...

13,25%  Mozambique
Banque centrale du Myanmar (CBM)

The Central Bank of Myanmar is the central bank of Myanmar (formerly Burma). It was established under the Central Bank of Myanmar Law in 1990. Its headquarters are in...

7%  Myanmar
Banque de Namibie (BON)

The Bank of Namibia was established in 1993 to replace the never opened Namibia Reserve Bank. The Bank of Namibia is the only institution that is permitted to issue the...

7,00%  Namibie
Banque centrale du Nicaragua (BCN)

The Central Bank of Nicaragua, established in 1961, has the sole right of issue of the national currency, the córdoba. The financial system had been dominated by the...

0%  Nicaragua
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