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Banques centrales mondiales

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Banque centrale des Emirats arabes unis (CBUAE)

La Banque centrale est officiellement entrée en fonction le 11 décembre 1980 en application de la Loi sur l’Union (n°10) de 1980, qui remplaça la Loi sur l’Union (n°2) de...

5,15%  Émirats Arabes Unis
Banque centrale de l'Equateur (BCE)

The Central Bank of Ecuador, founded as a private bank in 1927, was declared an organ of the state in 1948 by the Monetary Board. The Central Bank issues and stabilizes...

0%  Équateur
Banque d'Erythrée

The Bank of Eritrea is the central bank of Eritrea. The bank is located in Asmara, the capital. The central bank is interested in encouraging foreign investment and in...

0%  Érythrée
Réserve Fédérale (FED)

Le Système de la Réserve Fédérale (Federal Reserve System) est le système de la Banque centrale des États-Unis. Il a été créé en 1913 par l’adoption du Federal Reserve...

5,50%  États-Unis
Banque nationale d'Ethiopie (NBE)

The National Bank of Ethiopia was established in 1963 by proclamation 206 of 1963 and began operation in January 1964 In 1994 a proclamation was made in oreder to...

0%  Éthiopie
Banque de Maurice (BOM)

Bank of Mauritius which is the Central Bank of the Republic of Mauritius. Standing at the centre of the Mauritian financial system, the Bank is committed to promoting...

4,50%  Île Maurice
Autorité monétaire des îles Caïmans (CIMA)

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) is the primary financial services regulator of the Cayman Islands. The CIMA manages the Cayman Islands currency, regulates...

0%  Îles Caïmanes
Palestine Monetary Authority

The Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) is the emerging Central Bank of Palestine. Its overall purpose is to ensure price stability and contribute to the stability and...

Fonds monétaire international

Le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) a pour mission d'encourager la coopération monétaire internationale, de veiller à la stabilité financière, de faciliter le commerce...

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