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American Beacon Man Large Cap Value Fund R5 Class (BRLVX)

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22,92 +0,39    +1,73%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en USD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 75,23M
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  États-Unis
Emetteur:  American Beacon
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
American Beacon Bridgeway Lg Cp Val Inst 22,92 +0,39 +1,73%

Vue d'ensemble BRLVX

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de American Beacon Man Large Cap Value Fund R5 Class. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de BRLVX entre autres informations.

Large Value

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Date de création



Adresse 220 East Las Colinas Blvd., Suite 1200
Irving,TX 75039
United States
Téléphone +1 8006585811

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Daniel Taylor Director 2024 Maintenant
Biographie Dan is the Director of Hedge Fund Strategies and is responsible for the day-to-day management of  Numeric’s Hedge Fund offerings, including the Absolute Return Strategy.  He is also a member of the Strategic Alpha Research Team and Numeric’s Investment Committee.  Dan served as Director of Small Cap Strategies from 2004 to 2010.  He has conducted a wide range of research, including areas such as momentum, earnings quality, valuation, investor behavior, and market timing.  He joined Numeric as an intern in 1998 and began working full time in 1999 after receiving his B.A. in Economics with honors from Harvard University.  Dan is a CFA charterholder.
Ben Zhao Portfolio Manager 2024 Maintenant
Biographie Ben Zhao is a portfolio manager at Numeric. Ben joined Numeric as a quantitative researcher in 2017. Prior to joining Numeric, Ben worked as a quantitative trading strategist at Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo in Boston. Ben graduated from Duke University with a doctorate degree in economics with a focus on financial econometrics. In addition, he received a master’s degree in economics from Duke University and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and economics from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Elena Khoziaeva Portfolio Manager 2005 2024
Biographie Elena Khoziaeva, CFA, is a Portfolio Manager, leader for the U.S. equity Investment Management team, and began working at Bridgeway Capital in 1998. Ms. Khoziaeva has served as a Portfolio Manager at Bridgeway Capital since 2005. Her responsibilities include portfolio management, investment research, and statistical modeling. Elena earned a Bachelor of Economic Sciences from Belarussian State Economic University in Minsk and graduated with highest honors from the University of Houston with an MBA in Accounting.
Michael Whipple Portfolio Manager 2005 2024
Biographie Michael Whipple, CFA, FRM, is a Portfolio Manager and began working at Bridgeway Capital in 2002. Mr. Whipple has served as a Portfolio Manager at Bridgeway Capital since 2005. His responsibilities include portfolio management, investment research, and statistical modeling. He holds a BS in Accountancy and Finance from Miami University in Ohio. Michael worked in public accounting with a focus in auditing from 1993 to 2000 before attending the University of Chicago Booth School of Business from 2000 to 2002, where he earned his MBA.
John N.R. Montgomery CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2003 2024
Biographie John, CIO and President,founded Bridgeway in 1993.He worked with computer modeling and quantitative methods as a research engineer at MIT in the late 1970s. Later, as a student at Harvard, he investigated methods to apply modeling to portfolio management. He began applying these methods to his investments in 1985. Over the next 6 years, this style proved more successful than even John had expected. He left his full-time position in the transportation industry at the end of 1991 to perform full-time research on his models, study the mutual fund industry, and write a business plan for Bridgeway.
Rasook Shaik Portfolio Manager 2007 2013
Biographie Rasool Shaik, CFA and investment management team member began working for the Adviser in 2006 after earning an MBA with Honors from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, which he attended from 2004 to 2006. His responsibilities include quantitative investment management research and analysis, quantitative model operation and maintenance, and portfolio construction for the Adviser. He holds a BS in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India and an MS in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering from Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan. Prior to business school, from 1997 to 2004, Rasool developed software algorithms to manage complex supply chains.
Adriana R. Posada Senior Portfolio Manager 2012 2013
Biographie Adriana Posada joined American Beacon in 1993 and serves as Senior Portfolio Manager, Asset Management Department at American Beacon. She is responsible for monitoring the external domestic equity and fixed income advisors to the American Beacon Funds and AMR’s pension plans. Ms. Posada is a Trustee of the Irving Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund. Ms. Posada received her BS in Mathematics from the Universidad de Los Andes, MS in Mathematics from the University of Houston, and MS in Actuarial Science from the University of Michigan.
Wyatt L. Crumpler Vice President 2012 2013
Biographie Crumpler joined American Beacon Advisors in January 2007 as vice president of trust investments and a portfolio manager. From January 2004 to January 2007, he was managing director of Corporate Accounting at American Airlines. Prior to that, he was director of IT Strategy and Finance For American Airlines.
Gene L. Needles President 2012 2013
Biographie Gene L. Needles, Jr. has served as Chief Executive Officer of American Beacon Advisors, Inc. since April 2009, President of the firm from 2009 to 2018, and has served on the portfolio management team since June 2011. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Needles was President of Touchstone Investments from 2008 to 2009 and President and CEO of AIM Distributors from 2004 to 2007.
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