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Bmo Act Can Sélection Cseil (0P00011NAL)

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14,918 +0,210    +1,45%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en CAD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 160,61M
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Canada
Emetteur:  BMO Investments Inc.
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
BMO Canadian Stock Selection Advisor 14,918 +0,210 +1,45%

Vue d'ensemble 0P00011NAL

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Bmo Act Can Sélection Cseil. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P00011NAL entre autres informations.

Canadian Equity

Actif total



Date de création


Stratégie d’investissement

Vise à atteindre une croissance du capital à long terme tout en conservant le capital, en investissant principalement dans des titres de participation de sociétés canadiennes à forte capitalisation qui affichent un potentiel de croissance à long terme ou qui versent des dividendes supérieurs à la moyenne.


Adresse 100 King Street West
Toronto,ON M5X 1A1
Téléphone +1 8003611392

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Jordan Luckock Portfolio Manager 2022 Maintenant
Biographie Jordan joined BMO in March 2022 as the lead portfolio manager for BMO GAM’s Canadian core equity mandates. Jordan brings 18 years of professional investment experience to the team, including 10 years managing Canadian-focused large cap equity portfolios for institutional, retail, and high net worth clients. He has an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Economics degree from the University of Western Ontario (Huron College) and a Master of Science (Finance) degree from Queen’s University.
Valentin Padure Portfolio Manager 2022 Maintenant
Biographie Valentin joined BMO in 2022 as the lead portfolio manager for the BMO GAM Canadian small cap mandates. Given the team-based collaborative culture of the team, Val is also involved with mandates related to BMO all-cap North American growth. He has 7 years of industry experience including 4+ years of dedicated small cap experience, focusing exclusively on small & mid-cap companies across all industries. Most recently, Val was the Portfolio Lead for another firm’s Canadian small cap strategies. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business at York University.
Nicole White Associate Portfolio Manager, Canadian Fundamental Equities 2021 Maintenant
Biographie Nicole joined BMO Global Asset Management in August 2021 as an Associate Portfolio Manager with a focus on Preferred Shares. Nicole brings 20 years of experience in Fixed Income, Currency and Multi-Asset portfolio management from a Canadian Investment firm with both institutional and retail mandates. Nicole has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Guelph and is a CFA Charterholder.
Jennifer So - 2015 Maintenant
Biographie Jennifer joined BMO GAM in September 2015 as an equity analyst with a focus on ESG, industrials, large cap energy and materials (non-mining). She spent a decade at a Canadian Bank with experience in Investment Banking, Research and Institutional Sales. In addition she has a further 7 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant at one of the big four accounting firms and teaching undergraduate finance at a Canadian University. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto and is a CFA Charterholder, Chartered Accountant and Chartered Professional Accountant.
Philip Harrington Director & PM 2012 Maintenant
Biographie Philip joined BMO Asset Management Inc. in March 2012 and brings with him over 17 years’ experience in the investment industry. Philip is a member of the large cap portfolio management team at BMO AM responsible for the firm’s Canadian dividend and income strategies. Previously, he worked as both an analyst and portfolio manager at BMO Harris Investment Management. A graduate from the University of Toronto, Philip holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, received his Master of Finance from the Rotman School of Business and is a CFA charterholder.
Lutz Zeitler Managing Dir & PM 2012 Maintenant
Biographie Lutz joined BMO Asset Management Inc.’s Canadian equity team in March 2012 as portfolio manager primarily focused on the firm’s large-cap Canadian dividend and income strategies, Prior to joining BMO AM, Lutz was a portfolio manager with BMO Harris Investment Management where he managed several Canadian equity yield and core mandates. In addition to Lutz’s over two decades of experience in both portfolio management and research, he holds a Master of Business Administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business and is a CFA charterholder.
Tyler Hewlett Director & Portfolio Manager 2017 2022
Biographie Tyler is the lead portfolio manager for BMO Asset Management’s Canadian Small Cap strategy and is responsible for all of the firm’s Canadian small cap mandates. He joined BMO Asset Management in 2007 as an analyst, covering multiple sectors with a focus on small capitalization equities. Tyler served as back-up manager of the small cap strategies before subsequently assuming his position as lead manager. Tyler holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen’s University and is a CFA charterholder.
David Taylor Vice President & Portfolio Manager 2017 2022
Biographie David is a Portfolio Manager for BMO Asset Management Inc.’s Canadian small cap strategies. He joined the firm in 2012 & started to engage in investment industry since 2003. Additionally,he has started to focuse exclusively on analyzing small & mid-cap companies since 2006. Prior to joining BMO AM, David worked in equity research where he covered multiple sectors. He holds an Honors of Business Administration (HBA) degree from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the Univ. of Western Ontario and is a CFA charterholder.
Greg Gipson Vice President 2017 2017
Biographie Greg Gipson, M. Econ, M. OR BMO Asset Management Inc. Greg Gipson is Vice President and Head of Portfolio Management, Quantamental Investments, at BMO Asset Management (BMO AM). Mr. Gipson began his investment career in 1997 and joined BMO AM in 2009.
Gino Di Monte Other Executives 1997 2017
Biographie In a career spanning over 28 years, Gino joined BMO Asset Management Inc. in 1997 as a portfolio manager for large cap Canadian equities. Previously, he was employed at Nesbitt Burns (now BMO Capital Markets), Nesbitt Thomson and National Trust. Gino holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Toronto and is a CFA charterholder.
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