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Cfs Fc Esup-cfs Growth (0P0000YXMI)

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2,238 -0,005    -0,21%
12/03 - Fermé. Devise en AUD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 3,95B
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Australie
Emetteur:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
CFS FC ESup-FirstChoice Growth Select 2,238 -0,005 -0,21%

Vue d'ensemble 0P0000YXMI

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Cfs Fc Esup-cfs Growth. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P0000YXMI entre autres informations.

Multisector Growth

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Date de création



Adresse South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
Téléphone 13 13 36
Fax +61 02 9303 3200

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Al Clark - 2023 Maintenant
Biographie "Al recently joined Colonial First State Investments in April 2023 as Head of Investments, where Al and the team are responsible for managing Colonial’s range of multi-sector fund offerings. Al has close to three decades of experience investing in diversified funds, having constructed and managed multi-asset portfolios for institutional and retail clients since the ‘90’s. Prior to joining Colonial, Al was Head of Investments at MLC Asset Management where his team was responsible for managing all the Choice diversified funds. Previous experience for Al has included stints offshore, first as Head of Multi-Asset, Asia for Schroders in Singapore followed by time as Global Head of Multi-Asset for Nikko in Tokyo. Al has also worked in asset management for local firms BT and Macquarie. Al started his investment career as trader on the Sydney Futures Exchange in the early ‘90’s. Al has a Masters of Applied Finance from Macquarie and Bachelor of Science from the University of Canberra"
Jonathan Armitage - 2022 Maintenant
Biographie "Jonathan is a highly regarded investments executive with nearly 30 years of global experience, having worked in Australia, the United Kingdom and United States. He has a strong reputation as a leader in asset management. Most recently Jonathan was the Chief Investment Officer and General Manager of Asset Management at MLC. His responsibilities included managing multi-asset diversified funds, fixed income, private equity and alternative capabilities. He joined MLC in August 2011 as Head of Global Equities, before becoming Head of Equities in December 2011 and being appointed Chief Investment Officer in March 2013. Prior to MLC, Jonathan spent 20 years at Schroders, where he held roles including Head of US Equities and Deputy Head of Global Equities. As Chief Investment Officer, Jonathan will lead the Investments Team to expand our investment capabilities and bring a dynamic and agile approach to anticipating emerging issues and market opportunities."
Jujhar Toki - 2019 Maintenant
Biographie "Jujhar joined the Colonial First State Investments Team in June 2014.  Jujhar is the Senior Investment Manager for Colonial First State’s diversified portfolios which include FirstChoice Multi-Sector Multi-Manager; Colonial First State Enhanced Index, Commonwealth Essential Super Balanced; and CFS Index Multi-Sector portfolios. Jujhar was previously the lead Portfolio Manager for the Real Asset (both listed and direct) portfolios including CFS Direct Infrastructure, CFS Direct Property, FirstChoice Australian Property Securities, FirstChoice Global Property Securities and FirstChoice Global Listed Infrastructure.  Jujhar was also previously an Executive Manager – Senior Investment Analyst at CommInsure. In his previous role he was responsible for determining strategic asset allocations, dynamic asset allocation, multi manager portfolio design and construction and manager research, analysis and selection for the Insurance businesses of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). Prior to this Jujhar has worked at Mercer and Asteron Life.   Jujhar holds a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Actuarial & Finance from the University of New South Wales, and is a CAIA charter holder."
Peter Dymond - 2002 2023
Biographie Peter Dymond joined the Colonial First State FirstChoice Investments Team in March 2002 following the merger of Colonial First State and Commonwealth Investment Management. His current role as Senior Investment Manager has responsibility for the provision of advice and selection and ongoing monitoring of external fund managers for FirstChoice. Peter also has responsibility for ensuring that the research process is maintained and focussed. From May 2001 until March 2002, Peter was employed by Commonwealth Investment Management in the position of Portfolio Manager, Implemented Advice. Peter moved into this role from Commonwealth Financial Services, where he was the Head of the Superannuation and Retirement Income Product Management teams since 1999. This role included responsibility for a range of multi manager funds. Prior to joining the Commonwealth Group in 1997, Peter gained extensive experience in the management and distribution of retail and corporate financial products through Product Management, Marketing, Technical, Customer Service and Administrative roles with GIO (two years), Connelly Temple (two years) and National Mutual (five years).
Scott Tully - 2002 2022
Biographie Scott joined Colonial First State in March 2002 following the merger of Colonial First State and Commonwealth Investment Management. He is head of the FirstChoice Investments team, responsible for managing Colonial First State’s range of FirstChoice multi manager, multi-index and lifestage portfolios. The FirstChoice portfolios have total funds under management in excess of $30 billion (at June 2014). Having spent three years with William M Mercer in the field of Superannuation Consulting, Scott joined State Bank of NSW in 1992 as an Actuarial Analyst and subsequently had a variety of roles in credit, market risk and financial markets. After the Commonwealth Bank acquired Colonial (and its subsidiary Colonial State Bank) in 2000, Scott was appointed Vice President, Strategic Planning working directly for the Head of Institutional Banking. In 2001, he joined Commonwealth Investment Management in the role of Portfolio Manager, Implemented Advice, providing investment advice to the Group’s life companies as well as developing the investment options underpinning the FirstChoice platform.
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