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Fondak P Eur (0P0000935L)

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228,350 -1,360    -0,59%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en EUR
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 2B
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Allemagne
Emetteur:  Allianz Global Investors GmbH
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
Fondak P EUR 228,350 -1,360 -0,59%

Vue d'ensemble 0P0000935L

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Fondak P Eur. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P0000935L entre autres informations.

Actions Allemagne Gdes Cap.

Actif total




Date de création



Adresse L-2633 Senningerberg
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
Téléphone +49 (0) 69 2443-1140
Fax Milano

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Stefan Dudacy - 2025 Maintenant
Thomas Grillenberger - 2024 Maintenant
Biographie Thomas Grillenberger has been a member of Allianz Group's team managing various of the group's entities' multi-billion Euro equity portfolios with a dedicated insurance related strategy since 2006, initially at Aequitas (Allianz Equity Advisors), and later, after the merger, at Allianz Global Investors Europe. Additionally, he was Deputy Head of Research and Team Head Consumer Goods & Health care at Aequitas. Prior to joining Allianz Group, Mr. Grillenberger was a highly-ranked sell-side analyst at Bayerische Landesbank. Mr. Grillenberger has a diploma in business administration from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and is a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA).
Christoph Berger CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2017 Maintenant
Biographie Christoph Berger is CIO Equity Europe and has been head of the German equity team since its inception in 2017, as well as being head of the Customized Equities team since its inception in 2015. The German equity team focuses on our flagship funds Concentra and Fondak as well as the German small and mid cap equity strategies. The Customised Equities team has been managing European equity portfolios of institutional clients with several billion Euros in assets under management since 2009, where each portfolio is tailored to specific, often regulatory and sustainability requirements. Prior to 2009, he was part of the cominvest equities team, where he was a top-ranking analyst for the Industrial Goods & Services and Construction & Building Materials sectors, as well as manager of cominvest Plusfonds and cominvest Fondak Europe, and co-manager of cominvest Fondak. Previously, he worked as a research analyst for capital goods and building materials/construction. He joined the firm in having started in the industry in 1999. Christoph holds a degree in Business Administration (BA) from the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim. He holds the CFA Charter and is a DVFA / CEFA investment analyst.
Thomas Orthen Lead Portfolio Manager 2017 2025
Biographie Thomas Orthen is the lead portfolio manager for Fondak, one of Allianz Global Investors' flagship German equity funds, and for Allianz Vermögensbildung Deutschland. He has over 15 years of investment-industry experience and has been a member of the dedicated German equities team since its formation in 2017. Previously, he was portfolio manager in the equity team for Europe's emerging markets and has been responsible for equity selection for Russian equities since 2010. Thomas joined Allianz Global Investors in 2005 as part of the graduate trainee program. After the graduate program, his portfolio manager career began in the global emerging markets team with a focus on stock selection in South Africa, Africa and Brazil. Thomas holds a BA in International Business from the University of Plymouth and a Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH) degree from the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund. He is also a CFA charterholder.
Matthias Born - 2016 2017
Biographie Matthias Born took up managing the flagship fund Concentra in 2007. He also continues to contribute his considerable expertise in German and Austrian stocks to the European & German Mid/Small Cap Team. As a member of this team from 2001-2009, Matthias had successfully managed the Allianz RCM Wachstum Deutschland Fund since 2002, as well as institutional mandates that are invested in European Small Caps. He was also the co-manager for Allianz RCM Nebenwerte Deutschland since 2002. Prior to joining RCM, he also worked for the Middle Market Group (Global Corporate Finance) at Dresdner Bank. Matthias holds a masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Würzburg.
Ralf Walter Portfolio Manager 2012 2017
Biographie Mr. Ralf Walter is at Equityfundsmanagement of ADIG-Investment/Cominvest since 1998. He is specialist for Small- and Midcaps with focus on Germany. He is managing various Special- and Mutualfunds.
Franz Höbel Portfolio Manager 2009 2016
Biographie Started at Fund Company in 1989. Started to manage Fund in 1994.
Heidrun Heutzenröder Buy side Research 1998 2012
Biographie She is working for ADIG-Investment Fonds/COMINVEST since 1991. Till 1994 at Buyside Research of international invest ADIG-Fonds. She is expert for Small- and Mid-Caps.
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