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Pimco Gis Global High Yield Bond Fund Institutional Chf (hedged) Income (0P0000WUBA)

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7,470 +0,040    +0,54%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en CHF
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 2,54B
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Suisse
Emetteur:  PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Limited
ISIN:  IE00B846S495 
Catégorie d'actif:  Obligation
PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc Global Hi 7,470 +0,040 +0,54%

Vue d'ensemble 0P0000WUBA

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Pimco Gis Global High Yield Bond Fund Institutional Chf (hedged) Income. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P0000WUBA entre autres informations.

Global High Yield Bond - CHF Hedged

Actif total




Date de création


Stratégie d’investissement

Le fonds vise à générer prudemment un rendement total par une croissance combinée du revenu et du capital. Le fonds investit principalement dans des obligations à « rendement élevé » (c'est-à-dire des prêts assortis d'un taux d'intérêt fixe ou variable) émises par des sociétés du monde entier. Les titres sont essentiellement valorisés en dollar US, mais le fonds peut également détenir d'autres devises, ainsi que des titres valorisés dans d'autres devises.


Adresse 70 Conduit Street
Dublin, W1S 2GF
Téléphone +353 1 4752211

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Charles Watford Portfolio Manager 2020 Maintenant
Biographie Executive Vice President, PIMCO. Mr. Watford is a portfolio manager focusing on high yield. He is also a research analyst focused on the European automotive and real estate sectors. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2007, Mr. Watford was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company and an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley. He has investment experience since 2002 and holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also holds a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Oxford.
Sonali Pier Portfolio Manager 2019 Maintenant
Biographie Managing Director, PIMCO. Ms. Pier is a portfolio manager focusing on multisector credit opportunities. She contributes to the Diversified Income and Global Credit Opportunities Funds, and she has served as a rotating member on the firm's Investment Committee and Americas Portfolio Committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2013, she was a senior credit trader at J.P. Morgan, trading cash, recovery and credit default swaps across various sectors. She holds an undergraduate degree in economics from Princeton University.
David Forgash Executive Vice President 2019 Maintenant
Biographie Executive Vice President, PIMCO. Mr. Forgash is a portfolio manager and head of global leveraged loans. In addition to being the lead portfolio manager for leveraged loans, he is also a member of the high yield and multi-sector credit teams. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2018, he was a senior portfolio manager at Millennium Capital Partners, investing across European credit. Previously, he was an executive director of European credit trading at Morgan Stanley, a managing director of U.S. credit trading at Greenwich Capital and a vice president in credit trading at Lehman Brothers. He has investment experience since 1994 and holds an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He received an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Delaware.
Andrew Jessop Managing Director 2010 Maintenant
Biographie Managing Director, PIMCO. Mr. Jessop joined PIMCO in 2009, as a senior portfolio manager and head of the high yield team. Prior to joining PIMCO, he was a managing director, portfolio manager and co-head of the high yield group at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, where he spent twelve years. He has investment experience since 1989 and holds a degree from Queens’ College, Cambridge University.
Hozef Arif Banker 2016 2019
Biographie Mr. Arif, Senior Portfolio Manager, joined Avantis Investors in 2020 Mr. Arif is an executive vice president and credit portfolio manager in the Newport Beach office. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2008, he was a leveraged finance investment banker at Credit Suisse in Los Angeles. He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He also has a master's degree in petroleum engineering from Stanford University and an undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.
William H. Gross Portfolio Manager 2009 2009
Biographie Mr. Gross left PIMCO and joined Janus Capital Group in September 2014. Prior to joining Janus Capital, Mr. Gross was founder, managing director and co-CIO of PIMCO based in Newport Beach, CA. Mr. Gross founded PIMCO in 1971 and oversaw the management of more than $1.8 trillion in asstes. He is the author of numerous articles on the bond market, as well as the book, "Everything You’ve Heard About Investing is Wrong," published in 1997. Morningstar named Mr. Gross and his investment team Fixed Income Manager of the Decade for 2000-2009 and Fixed Income Manager of the Year for 1998, 2000, and 2007 (the first three-time recipient). He received the Bond Market Association’s Distinguished Service Award in 2000 and became the first portfolio manager inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society's hall of fame in 1996. Mr. Gross is a seven-time Barron's Roundtable panelist (2005-2011), appearing in the annual issue featuring the industry's top investment experts, and he received the Money Management Lifetime Achievement Award from Institutional Investor magazine in 2011. In a survey conducted by Pensions and Investments magazine in 1993, he was recognized by his peers as the most influential authority on the bond market in the U.S. He has 43 years of investment experience and holds an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles. Mr. Gross received his undergraduate degree from Duke University.
Mark T. Hudoff Portfolio Manager 2005 2009
Biographie Mark Hudoff serves as a portfolio manager on the High Yield bond portfolios. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Hudoff was an Executive Vice President, portfolio manager and Head of Global High Yield investments at PIMCO. He started at PIMCO as a credit analyst for the high yield team and moved to Europe in 2000 to build and manage their European credit business, including the management of PIMCO's European High Yield strategies. Upon returning to the U.S. in 2004, Mr. Hudoff founded and developed PIMCO's Global High Yield practice, while also managing U.S. High Yield portfolios. Mr. Hudoff was formerly associated with BCA where he worked as a fixed income strategist. Mr. Hudoff received his BS in Economics from Arizona State University and MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
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