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Rbc De Revenu Mensuel Américain A (0P000075BC)

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10,852 -0,080    -0,73%
10/03 - Fermé. Devise en USD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 1,51B
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Canada
Emetteur:  RBC Global Asset Management Inc.
Catégorie d'actif:  Autre
RBC US Monthly Income Sr A 10,852 -0,080 -0,73%

Vue d'ensemble 0P000075BC

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Rbc De Revenu Mensuel Américain A. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P000075BC entre autres informations.

Global Neutral Balanced

Actif total



Date de création


Stratégie d’investissement

Procurer un revenu mensuel régulier en dollars américains combiné à une légère croissance du capital. Le fonds investit principalement dans des titres à revenu fixe américains tels que des obligations d’États et de sociétés, des billets, des titres adossés à des créances et des actions privilégiées. Il investit également dans des titres de capitaux propres de sociétés des États-Unis de qualité élevée. Il peut également investir dans des titres d’emprunt à rendement élevé et des obligations d’États et de sociétés de marchés émergents.


Adresse Suite 2200
Toronto,ON M5V 3K7
Téléphone 416-974-0616
Fax 416-974-0040

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Andrzej Skiba Partner, Head of US Credit, Senior Portfolio Manager 2021 Maintenant
Biographie Andrzej joined BlueBay Asset Management (which is now part of RBC Global Asset Management) in February 2005 and, following the alignment of BlueBay's US business with RBC GAM-US in November 2021, is responsible for the US fixed income investment team based in Minneapolis (MN) and Stamford (CT). In 2013, Andrzej moved to the US from London to oversee the buildout of global investment grade capability. This followed a period from 2009, where he was a BlueBay portfolio manager responsible for corporate investments within BlueBay's IG strategies. Andrzej spent his first four years at BlueBay as a
Sarah Riopelle Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 Maintenant
Biographie Since 2009, Sarah has managed the entire suite of RBC Portfolio Solutions. Sarah is a member of the RBC GAM Investment Strategy Committee, which sets global strategy for the firm, and the RBC GAM Investment Policy Committee, which is responsible for the investment strategy and tactical asset allocation for RBC Funds’ balanced products and portfolio solutions. In addition to her fund management role, she works closely with the firm’s Chief Investment Officer on a variety of projects.
Brad Willock Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 Maintenant
Biographie Brad Willock joined RBC in May 1996 and RBC Global Asset Management in July 2002. In his current role, he is responsible for core and income-oriented U.S. equity mandates. Brad has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Science, and is a CFA charterholder.
Brandon Swensen Senior Portfolio Manager, U.S. Fixed Income 2018 2024
Biographie Brandon is a senior portfolio manager within the BlueBay Fixed income team. In addition to co-leading the fixed income group based in Minneapolis, he is a portfolio manager for several cash management and core solutions. Brandon joined the RBC GAM mortgage and government team in 2000, having earlier held positions as a research analyst covering asset-backed securities and credit, and as a financial analyst. Brandon began his career in the investment industry in 1998.
David Nava Portfolio Manager 2018 2018
Biographie David joined the Emerging Markets (EM) Bond team in 2004 and has been directly involved in the management of the firm’s EM bond assets since 2010. He manages EM bond allocations for several of the firm’s fixed income funds and is a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Committee. David is a graduate (BSc Economics) of the prestigious Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM). After moving to Canada in 2001, David completed his MBA at the Rotman School of Management in Toronto.
Jane Lesslie Portfolio Manager 2009 2018
Biographie Jane Lesslie is Senior Portfolio Manager, Global Fixed Income and Currencies. She has been in the investment industry since 1988.
Stuart Morrow Portfolio Manager 2013 2016
Biographie Stuart is a Portfolio Manager for U.S. Equities and leads the Global Analyst Team. He started at RBC in 1998. Stuart briefly left RBC Global Asset Management to join another firm as a Sell-Side Analyst, returning in March 2008 as a Senior Financial Analyst; he was promoted to Manager, Global Equity Research in 2009. Stuart holds the CFA designation.
James Learmonth Portfolio Manager 2009 2013
Biographie James Learmonth is Portfolio Manager, U.S. Equities. He has been in the investment industry since 2000.
Cameron B Hurst - 2009 2012
Biographie As Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer of Equium Capital, Cameron’s seasoned and disciplined approach to asset allocation and portfolio strategy drives the firm’s focus on capital preservation and tactical portfolio positioning. Having managed long-only portfolios at RBC Global Asset Management and Canaccord Genuity as well as hedged long-short portfolios at Barometer Capital, Cameron incorporates critical elements of both investment approaches into one cohesive process designed for today’s complex investing environment. Cameron Hurst has been in the investment industry since 1999.
Soo Boo Cheah Portfolio Manager 2009 2009
Biographie Soo Boo is Senior Portfolio Manager, Global Fixed Income & Currencies, at RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd. He joined the firm in 2000 as a Fixed Income Analyst and has been active in all aspects of global fixed income management. Soo Boo is a member of the Global Fixed Income & Currencies Committee and the RBC Investment Strategy Committee's Fixed Income & Currencies Advisory Committee. He earned an MBA from the University of New Brunswick and is a CFA charterholder.
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