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Td Obligations Canadiennes F (0P000075V1)

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11,490 +0,030    +0,26%
10/03 - Fermé. Devise en CAD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 5,91B
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Canada
Emetteur:  TD Asset Management Inc
Catégorie d'actif:  Obligation
TD Canadian Bond - F 11,490 +0,030 +0,26%

Vue d'ensemble 0P000075V1

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Td Obligations Canadiennes F. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P000075V1 entre autres informations.

Canadian Fixed Income

Actif total



Date de création


Stratégie d’investissement

L’objectif de placement fondamental consiste à produire un revenu d’intérêt élevé en investissant dans des obligations et des débentures de première qualité principalement émises par des emprunteurs canadiens en dollars canadiens. Ces titres peuvent se composer de titres de créance émis ou garantis par le gouvernement fédéral, des provinces canadiennes, une administration municipale, des banques canadiennes, des sociétés de prêt ou de fiducie canadiennes, ou des sociétés canadiennes.


Adresse 66 Wellington Street West
Toronto,ON M5K 1G8
Téléphone 1-800-588-8054
Fax 866-782-3167

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Lauren Bellai Portfolio Manager 2023 Maintenant
Biographie Lauren Bellai joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in June 2014. She is currently a Portfolio Manager on the Active Fixed Income team and co-manages numerous Short, Universe, and Corporate fixed income mandates, serving retail and institutional clients. Additionally, Lauren completed the TDAM Investment Management Rotation Program, during which she rotated through the Investment Grade Credit Research, Passive Fixed Income, and Global Absolute Return teams. Lauren holds a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo and is a CFA charterholder.
Hafiz Noordin Vice President 2023 Maintenant
Biographie Hafiz Noordin joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in 2011, and is currently a Portfolio Manager on the Active Fixed Income Portfolio Management team. Hafiz is a co-manager of TDAM's Global and Canadian Core Plus fixed income mandates, serving both retail and institutional clients. Prior to this role, Hafiz was a member of TDAM's Investment Grade Credit Research team, where he focused on bottom-up fundamental research of global sovereign and corporate bond issuers.
Alex Gorewicz Portfolio Manager 2023 Maintenant
Biographie Alexandra is a senior member of the Active Fixed Income team and focuses on managing Global and Core Plus fixed income portfolios. She previously managed global fixed income and multi-asset strategies for a respected Canadian portfolio management firm where she was Head of Rates. Alexandra holds a B.Math (Honours) from the University of Waterloo, a B.B.A. (Honours) from Wilfrid Laurier University, and a M.Sc. in Government Analytics from Johns Hopkins University.
Scott Colbourne Portfolio Manager 2022 Maintenant
Biographie Scott Colbourne rejoined TD Asset Management (TDAM) in November of 2017 as Managing Director, Global Active Fixed Income. Scott has over 30 years of experience in global fixed income markets and is responsible for TDAM's global and Canadian active fixed income portfolio management. Prior to joining TDAM, Scott was Co-CIO at a well-recognized, independent Canadian asset management firm with a focus on absolute return strategies in the fixed income and currency markets. Scott also served as Managing Director and Partner at a Canadian hedge fund.
Elaine Lindhorst Vice President 2019 2023
Biographie Elaine Lindhorst, CFA, CTM Vice President & Director, TD Asset Management Inc. Joined the firm: 2006 Began career: 2000 Elaine is a Senior Portfolio Manager on the Active Fixed Income Team with a focus on the short bond and liquidity mandates. She works to design retail and institutional client investment solutions and oversees the team responsible for Liquidity Solutions. Her experience includes several positions in fixed income including a major investment bank in New York City and a hedge fund based in Toronto. Elaine holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Business at the University of
Hafiz Noordin Vice President 2016 2019
Biographie Hafiz Noordin joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in 2011, and is currently a Portfolio Manager on the Active Fixed Income Portfolio Management team. Hafiz is a co-manager of TDAM's Global and Canadian Core Plus fixed income mandates, serving both retail and institutional clients. Prior to this role, Hafiz was a member of TDAM's Investment Grade Credit Research team, where he focused on bottom-up fundamental research of global sovereign and corporate bond issuers.
Rob Pemberton Head 2013 2019
Biographie Robert Pemberton is currently Head of Fixed Income having joined TD Asset Management (TDAM) in 2000. Robert is accountable for all of TDAM's global fixed income investment platform, which provides government, investment grade and high yield fixed income solutions to insurance, corporate, pension, endowment, union and LDI clients, as well as TD Mutual Funds.
Christopher Case Portfolio Manager 2011 2019
Biographie Christopher Case joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in 2010 as a portfolio manager responsible for managing active retail and institutional fixed income portfolios. This includes mandates for insurance, corporate, pension, and union clients as well as TD Mutual funds and TD Wealth Private Investment Counsel funds. Chris holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Western Ontario and is a CFA charterholder.
Matthew Pauls Portfolio Manager 2014 2019
Biographie Matthew Pauls joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in 2004 after 9 years with TD Canada Trust. Matthew is a Portfolio Manager responsible for managing retail and institutional fixed income portfolios. This responsibility includes mandates for TD Mutual Funds as well as insurance, corporate, pension, endowment and union clients. Prior to joining the Fixed Income Team, Matthew managed a team responsible for the implementation of portfolio strategies for the discretionary management programs of TD Wealth. Matthew received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto.
Olga Bylaard Vice President 2014 2016
Biographie Olga Bylaard leads the Investment Grade Fixed Income team at TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM). Olga is responsible for active and passive investment grade fixed income, as well as our North American money market suite of solutions. Olga is a senior portfolio manager for active fixed income, encompassing both retail and institutional clients.
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