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Wasatch Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund® Institutional Class (WIEMX)

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2,63 +0,05    +1,94%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en USD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 147,96M
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  États-Unis
Emetteur:  Wasatch
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
Wasatch Emerging Markets Small Cap Instl 2,63 +0,05 +1,94%

Vue d'ensemble WIEMX

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Wasatch Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund® Institutional Class. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de WIEMX entre autres informations.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

Actif total




Date de création



Adresse P.O. Box 2172
United States
Téléphone +1 8005511700

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Anh Hoang Portfolio Manager 2022 Maintenant
Biographie Anh Hoang, CFA has been an associate portfolio manager for the Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund since January 31, 2022. She joined the Advisor in 2012 as an analyst and was most recently a senior analyst focused on emerging markets and frontier markets. Prior to joining Wasatch, Ms. Hoang was head of research for the student-run Global Financial Advisors Equity Fund at Brigham Young University. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance from BYU.
Daniel Chace Portfolio Manager 2019 Maintenant
Biographie Dan Chace, CFA Mr. Chace joined Wasatch Advisors in 2003 and has over 21 years of experience in the investment management industry. Prior to joining Wasatch, Mr. Chace earned a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School. Before entering business school in 2000, he worked in New York City as an equities analyst following Latin American financial institutions at J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. From 1999 to 2000, he was the lead Latin American financial institutions analyst at SG Cowen Securities Corporation. Mr. Chace received a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology from Pomona College.
Ajay Krishnan Portfolio Manager 2019 Maintenant
Biographie Mr. Krishnan joined Wasatch Advisors as a Research Analyst in 1994. He was a Research Analyst on Wasatch Small Cap Ultra Growth portfolios prior to becoming a Portfolio Manager. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Utah State University and a Bachelor of Science in Physics with a minor in Mathematics from Bombay University.
Kevin Unger Associate Portfolio Manager 2018 Maintenant
Biographie Kevin Unger, CFA has been an associate portfolio manager. He joined Wasatch Advisors in 2015 as a research analyst focused on emerging markets. Prior to joining Wasatch Advisors, Mr. Unger was an analyst for Wells Capital Management. Earlier, he was an analyst in the energy and securities groups at NERA Economic Consulting, where he conducted econometric analyses across numerous regulated industries. Mr. Unger received his Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also a CFA charterholder.
Scott Thomas Associate Portfolio Manager 2015 Maintenant
Biographie Scott Thomas, CFA, CPA joined Wasatch Advisors in 2012 as a senior equities analyst on the international research team. Prior to joining Wasatch, he worked as a vice president in equity research at Morgan Stanley & Co. in New York City. Prior to Morgan Stanley & Co., Mr. Thomas worked at KPMG LLP in San Francisco and New York. Mr. Thomas holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Brigham Young University.
Andrey Kutuzov Portfolio Manager 2014 2020
Biographie Before Seven Canyons, Andrey was Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst at Wasatch Advisors. At Wasatch Advisors, he co-managed the Wasatch Emerging Markets Small Cap fund. Andrey is also a CFA and has worked as a CPA for Deloitte audit practice. He has an MBA and a Masters of Accounting from University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Roger D. Edgley Director 2007 2020
Biographie Roger Edgley, CFA is Director of International Research for Wasatch Advisors. Prior to joining Wasatch in 2002, Mr. Edgley was a principal, director of international research and portfolio manager for Chicago-based Liberty Wanger Asset Management. Mr. Edgley joined Wanger Asset Management as an equities analyst in 1994. Mr. Edgley is a native of the United Kingdom and earned a BS with honors in Psychology from the University of Hertfordshire, a MA in Philosophy from the University of Sussex and a MS in Social Psychology with Statistics from the London School of Economics.
Laura Geritz Research Analyst 2009 2015
Biographie Ms. Geritz is the founder and chairwoman of Rondure Global Advisors. A seasoned international investor across the market capitalization spectrum, she is the lead Portfolio Manager of Rondure New World (RNWIX), which focuses on emerging markets, as well as a secondary Portfolio Manager on Rondure Overseas (ROSIX), which covers international markets. In 2023, Laura handed off the CEO role to Jennifer Dunne and CIO role to Blake Clayton in order to maximize her focus on research and portfolio management. Prior to founding Rondure Global Advisors in 2016, Ms. Geritz spent ten years on the international team at Wasatch Advisors where she was the founding Portfolio Manager for the Wasatch Frontier Emerging Small Countries Fund, a lead Portfolio Manager for the Wasatch International Opportunities Fund, and a lead Portfolio Manager for the Wasatch Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund. Ms. Geritz began her financial career in 1997 at American Century Investments as a bilingual investor relations representative. She moved to the investment team in 1999 where she worked as a US Mid/Large Core and Global analyst. In 2004, she joined Mellon Corporation as a senior analyst working on US small- and micro-cap funds. Ms. Geritz is the only woman included in the book Richer, Happier, Wiser. She is a past Lipper award winning portfolio manager and continues to be featured in prominent media outlets including Barron’s, CNBC and Morningstar. Ms. Geritz graduated with honors from the University of Kansas, earning a BA in Political Science and History. Later, she earned a Master's degree in East Asian Languages and Culture from the University of Kansas. Ms. Geritz is a CFA charter holder. Laura has lived in Japan and speaks Japanese. She is an avid reader. Laura and her husband, Robb, enjoy traveling the globe, and working with children’s charities locally and globally.
Blake H. Walker CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2007 2008
Biographie Blake H. Walker is the Chief Investment Officer and Executive Vice President for Grandeur Peak Global Advisors. Before co-founding Grandeur Peak Global Advisors in 2011, Mr. Walker was a portfolio manager co-managing two funds at Wasatch Advisors. Mr. Walker joined the research team at Wasatch Advisors in 2001. Mr. Walker has a B.S. in Accounting from Brigham Young University. He is originally from Toronto, Canada. Mr. Walker speaks French and lived in France for two years.
Laura G. Hoffman vice president and Research Analyst 2007 2008
Biographie Ms. Hoffman joined Wasatch Advisors in 2002. Prior to joining Wasatch, she was a vice president and research analyst for two international funds at Denver Investment Advisors. Ms. Hoffman also worked for INVISTA Capital Management in Des Moines, IA where she was a portfolio strategist and relationship manager for the international investment team. Ms. Hoffman splits her time between Wasatch’s offices in Denver, CO and Salt Lake City, UT.
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