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Baillie Gifford American Fund B Income (0P00000QX4)

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13,42 -0,48    -3,45%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en GBP
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 2,63B
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Royaume-Uni
Emetteur:  Baillie Gifford & Co Limited.
ISIN:  GB0006061856 
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
Baillie Gifford American Fund B Income 13,42 -0,48 -3,45%

Vue d'ensemble 0P00000QX4

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Baillie Gifford American Fund B Income. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P00000QX4 entre autres informations.

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Date de création



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Edinburgh,Scotland EH1 3AN
United Kingdom
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Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Dave Bujnowski Portfolio Manager 2020 Maintenant
Biographie Mr. Bujnowski joined Baillie Gifford in 2018 as a Senior Analyst and is now a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equities team. He became a Partner of the firm in 2021. Prior to joining Baillie Gifford, Mr. Bujnowski co-founded Coburn Ventures in 2005. In his 13 years at Coburn Ventures, Mr. Bujnowski was a Partner, primary client-facing consultant, research analyst and portfolio manager of a long-short, market neutral hedge fund. He started his career in 1996, joining Warburg Dillon Read's equity research group as an associate semiconductor analyst before joining UBS's Global Tech Strategy team. Mr. Bujnowski graduated from Boston College in 1993, where he majored in Finance and Philosophy. Mr. Bujnowski has been a member of the team since 2020.
Kirsty Gibson - 2018 Maintenant
Tom Slater Deputy manager 2016 Maintenant
Biographie Tom graduated BSc in Computer Science with Mathematics from the University of Edinburgh in 2000. He joined Baillie Gifford the same year and worked in the Developed Asia and UK Equity Teams before joining the Long Term Global Growth Team at the start of 2009. Tom became a Partner in the firm in 2012. Tom was appointed Joint Manager of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust in January 2015 having served as Deputy Manager for the previous five years. In 2015 Tom was appointed Head of the North American Equities Team and is a decision maker on Long Term Global Growth portfolios. Tom’s investment interest is focused on high growth companies both in listed equity markets and as an investor in private companies.
Gary Robinson Portfolio Manager 2014 Maintenant
Biographie Gary has been a member of the Global Stewardship Portfolio Construction Group since its inception in 2015 and is an Investment Manager in the US Equities Team. He graduated MBiochem in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford in 2003 and joined Baillie Gifford the same year. He spent time working on our Japanese, UK and European Equity Teams before moving to the US Equities Team in 2008. Gary is a generalist investor but retains a special interest in the healthcare sector dating back to his undergraduate degree. Gary became a Partner of the firm in 2019.
Helen Xiong Investment Manager 2015 2020
Biographie Ms. Xiong joined Baillie Gifford in 2008 and is a Partner and investment manager on the Global Alpha Team. In addition to Global Alpha, Ms. Xiong has spent time working on the Manager's Developed Asia, UK, North America, Emerging Markets and Global Equity Teams. Before coming to live and work in the UK, Ms. Xiong lived in China, South Africa and Norway. She graduated BSc (Hons) in Economics from the University of Warwick in 2007 and MPhil in Economics from the University of Cambridge the following year. Ms. Xiong has been a member of the team since 2021.
Andrei Kiselev Investment Manager 2018 2018
Biographie Andrei is an investment manager in the US Equities Team. Andrei moved to the UK in 1998 to complete his secondary education and graduated MA in Economics from the University of Edinburgh in 2009, joining Baillie Gifford the same year. He spent a year in the US Equities Team during his initial analyst training and went on to spend several years in global equities departments before re-joining the US Equities Team.
Mark Hughes - 2015 2015
Biographie Mark graduated MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2007. He worked for Buro Happold before joining Baillie Gifford in 2008. Mark is an Investment Manager in the North American Equities Team having previously spent some time in the Diversified Growth and Global Alpha Teams.
Ian Tabberer Portfolio Manager 2013 2015
Biographie "Ian Tabberer is a Portfolio Manager on the Global Emerging Market Equities Team at Janus Henderson Investors. He joined Henderson in 2015 as an investment manager for Global Equities and in 2017 transferred to the Global Emerging Market Equities Team. Prior to Henderson, Ian worked at Baillie Gifford and Scottish Widows Investment Partnership, where his investment career began as a North American and global investor. Before entering the investment industry, he was a Submarine Warfare Officer in the Royal Navy. Ian holds a bachelor of science degree (Hons) in geography. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has 17 years of financial industry experience."
Mick Brewis Partner 1997 2014
Biographie Mick Brewis: Mick graduated with a BA in Economics from Cambridge University in 1985, and joined Baillie Gifford in the same year. He became a Partner in 1993, head of the North American Equities Investment Team in 1995 and has managed this strategy with his team since its launch in 1997.
Peter Cawston Portfolio Manager 2006 2008
Biographie Peter is a portfolio manager of the Latin American strategy and is based in the firm’s London office. He joined Brown Advisory in April 2018 from Findlay Park Partners where he was the portfolio manager of the Findlay Park Latin American Fund which merged into the Brown Advisory Latin American Fund on 30th April 2018. Peter joined Findlay Park in 2008 supporting the broader investment team and later transitioning to work directly with Rupert Brandt on the Latin American strategy. Prior to this, Peter worked at Baillie Gifford from 2001 to 2008 where he trained on the Emerging Markets, U.K. small cap, and North American equity teams and was subsequently a fund manager on the North American equity team for four years.
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