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Formuepleje Mix Low (0P0000Z9Y9)

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146,690 +0,360    +0,25%
14/03 - Fermé. Devise en DKK
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Actif total: 800,51M
Type:  Fonds
Marché:  Danemark
Emetteur:  Formuepleje
ISIN:  DK0060455962 
Catégorie d'actif:  Action
Formuepleje Optimum 146,690 +0,360 +0,25%

Vue d'ensemble 0P0000Z9Y9

Sur cette page vous trouverez un profil détaillé de Formuepleje Mix Low. Vous y trouverez notamment des informations sur la gestion, le total des actifs, la stratégie d'investissement et les coordonnées de 0P0000Z9Y9 entre autres informations.

Allocation EUR Prudente - International

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Date de création



Adresse Værkmestergade 25, 8000 Aarhus C
Téléphone +45 87 46 49 00

Principaux dirigeants

Nom Titre Depuis Jusqu’à
Toke Hjortshøj - 2013 Maintenant
Biographie Toke Katborg Hjortshøj, Senior Portfolio Manager, EM Corporate Debt. Toke started his career at Sparinvest in 2007 as analyst. Toke co-launched the Sparinvest Emerging Market Corporate Bond Fund in 2010 with Sune Højholt Jensen. Toke holds a PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Aarhus. He attended the Master of Finance, the Katholieke University Leuven in Belgium and later joined the Finance Department of Stern Business School New York University as a visiting scholar. Toke joined Absalon Capital in Nov 2014.
Peter Dabros - 2013 Maintenant
Biographie Peter Dabros, Senior Portfolio Manager, Global High Yield. Peter has an MSc in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. While still attending University, Peter worked in Credit Research at Nordea Markets as an Assistant Analyst from 2002 to 2007. He joined the research team as a full-time analyst in 2007. In 2012, Peter moved to Sparinvest as a Portfolio Manager in the Value Bonds team, where he managed Investment Grade funds as well as co-managing Global High Yield and Short Maturity funds. He joined Absalon Capital in Nov 2014.
René Rømer - 2013 Maintenant
Erik Beck - 2013 Maintenant
Otto Friedrichsen - 2013 Maintenant
Sune Jensen - 2013 Maintenant
Biographie Sune Højholt Jensen, Chief Portfolio Manager, EM Corporate Debt. Sune attended the Copenhagen Business School where he earned an MSc in Finance. He began his career at Bjørnskov & Co as an analyst. In 1998 he moved to Nykredit Markets joining as a Credit Analyst before moving to the proprietary trading team in 2000. In 2004 he moved to Nordea as a Trader in their proprietary Corporate Bond Trading team. In 2007 he moved to Sparinvest to work alongside Klaus Blaabjerg as part of the Credit Team. In 2010 he was appointed as the lead manager on the Sparinvest Emerging Market Corporate Debt Strategy. In 2015 he joined his colleagues at Absalon Capital where he is the Chief Portfolio Manager for the EM Corporate Debt Strategy.
Klaus Blaabjerg Risk Manager 2013 Maintenant
Biographie Klaus Blaabjerg, Head of Credit, Chief Portfolio Manager, Global High Yield. Klaus attended the University of Copenhagen where he earned a MSc in Economics. His career started in 1999 at Realkredit Danmark as a Risk Manager, he then moved to Nykredit Asset Management as a Portfolio Manager. In 2000 Klaus became the responsible fund manager for Nykredit Invest Engros Eurokredit. This fund had 5 stars in Morningstar, when Klaus left Nykredit in 2003 to join Bankinvest as a senior portfolio manager responsible for launching and managing Bankinvest Corporate Credit, a Global Investment Grade fund with around 10% exposure to Emerging Market Corporates. Klaus resigned from Bankinvest in the summer of 2005, joining Sparinvest in August 2005. Late 2005 the Bankinvest Corporate Credit fund achieved 5 stars from Morningstar. Klaus was responsible for Credit Products at Sparinvest. Klaus resigned from his position at Sparinvest May 2014 having grown the Credit business from zero to €2bn+. The Investment Grade strategy, the global High Yield strategy and the EM Corporate Debt strategies all had 5 stars from Morningstar when Klaus resigned from Sparinvest. In Sparinvest the team won several awards - €uro FundAward in Germany 2010, 2011 and 2013, various ratings by Citywire and nominations and awards by Morningstar. Finally, Klaus and team were chosen by the Fixed Income team of Brandes Investment Partners in Milwaukee to co-manage a global corporate credit fund in 2010. Brandes Investment Partners based in San Diego California is a well-known Value based equity investor founded by Charles Brandes, a student of the famous father of Value investing, Benjamin Graham, in 1974. Charles Brandes also argued for a global approach to value investing. Klaus joined Absalon Capital in Jan 2015.
Tommy Lauridsen - 2013 2015
Kenneth Graversen Portfolio Manager 2013 2015
Biographie Kenneth Graversen joined AllianceBernstein in 2014 as Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst for AllianceBernstein Global Core Equities. He previously served as an executive member of the investment board at CPH Capital, which he cofounded in 2011. Prior to that, Graversen was chief portfolio manager and a member of the investment board at BankInvest, where he oversaw the firm’s European stock portfolio. Before that, he was head of equity research at Enskilda Securities, where he was responsible for providing equity research to institutional clients. Graversen holds a BSc in economics and business administration from the Aarhus School of Business (now called Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences) and an MSc in economics and a diploma (HD) in finance and from the Copenhagen School of Business.
Rasmus Lee Hansen Senior Portfolio Manager 2013 2015
Biographie Rasmus Lee Hansen was promoted to Portfolio Manager in 2016, having joined AB in 2014 as a Senior Research Analyst for Global Core Equities. He previously served as a senior research analyst at CPH Capital. Prior to that, Hansen was a research analyst and portfolio manager at BankInvest, where he shared responsibility for the Investment Grade Corporate Bonds fund. He holds both a BSc and an MSc in business administration and management science from Copenhagen Business School, and is a CFA charterholder. Hansen is also an active member of The Danish Society of Financial Analysts and the CFA Society Denmark. Location: Copenhagen
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