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Fonds Internationaux

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Mode de réception


 NomSymboleDernier Var. %Actif totalHeures
 PSG Wealth Income Fund of Funds A0P0000.12,711+0,13%11,49B24/12 
 PSG Wealth Income Fund of Funds B0P0000.12,713+0,13%11,49B24/12 
 PSG Wealth Income Fund of Funds D0P0000.12,719+0,13%11,49B24/12 
 PSG Wealth Income Fund of Funds C0P0000.12,703+0,13%11,49B24/12 
 PSG Wealth Enhanced Interest Fund A0P0000.1,0190,02%6,71B24/12 
 PSG Wealth Enhanced Interest Fund D0P0000.1,0190,02%6,71B24/12 
 PSG Diversified Income Fund D0P0000.1,3510,06%5,18B27/12 
 PSG Diversified Income Fund E0P0000.1,3460,06%5,18B27/12 
 PSG Diversified Income Fund0P0000.1,3480,05%5,2B27/12 
 PSG Diversified Income Fund F0P0000.1,3490,07%5,18B27/12 
 PSG Money Market Fund B0P0000.1,0000,00%3,18B27/12 
 PSG Money Market Fund A0P0000.1,0000,00%3,18B27/12 
 PSG Money Market Fund C0P0000.1,0000,00%3,18B27/12 
 PSG Income Fund A0P0000.1,0860,06%2,26B27/12 
 PSG Income Fund E0P0000.1,0850,07%2,33B27/12 
 PSG Money Market Fund F0P0000.1,0000,00%3,17B27/12 
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