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Banques centrales mondiales

Rechercher une Banque Centrale

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Autorité monétaire de Singapour (MAS)

The Monetary Authority of Singapore is the central bank of Singapore. It was set up in 1971 to oversee various monetary functions associated with banking as well as...

0,06%  Singapour
Banque nationale de Slovaquie (NBS)

Národna banka Slovenska (NBS) is the central bank of Slovakia and a member of the Eurosystem. The NBS together with other central banks and the European Central Bank...

0,0%  Slovaquie
Banque de Slovénie

The Bank of Slovenia is the central bank of the Republic of Slovenia. It was established on 25 June 1991 by the adoption of the Bank of Slovenia Act (BoSA). As a member...

0,0%  Slovénie
Banque centrale de Somalie

The Central Bank of Somalia was established on June 30, 1960 by Decree No. 3 and converted into Law No. 2 of January 13, 1961. The Bank follows the objectives of...

0%  Somalie
Banque du Soudan

Bank of Sudan is the central bank of the Sudan. The bank was formed in 1960, four years after Sudan's independence. In addition to the normal duties of a central bank,...

0%  Soudan
Banque centrale du Sri Lanka (CBSL)

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is the monetary authority of Sri Lanka. It was established in 1950, two years after independence. The founder governor of the Central Bank...

4,5%  Sri Lanka
Banque nationale suisse (SNB)

Mandat En tant que banque centrale indépendante, la Banque nationale suisse conduit la politique monétaire du pays. Conformément à la Constitution et à la loi, elle doit...

0,50%  Suisse
Banque centrale du Suriname (CBvS)

The Central Bank of Suriname is Suriname's highest monetary authority and the country's governing body in monetary and economic affairs. It was established on 1st of...

0%  Suriname
Banque de Suède (Riksbank)

La Banque de Suède (Sveriges Riksbank) est la banque centrale de Suède et un pouvoir public soumis à l’autorité du Riksdag, le Parlement suédois. La Riksbank est...

2,25%  Suède
Banque centrale du Swaziland (CBS)

he Central Bank of Swaziland is the central bank of Swaziland. It was established in 1974 and is based in Mbabane. The bank's mission is to promote monetary stability and...

3,75%  Swaziland
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